This is an appointment request only, once Lifeline receives your request they will contact you to confirm. If you do not get a confirmation phone call within 15 minutes, please contact the center directly to confirm your appointment.


At this time, our center is making efforts to minimize exposure and reduce transmission of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) to our clients and staff. We are asking screening questions, prior to or at the time of their appointments to identify those who are at risk of COVID-19. We appreciate your cooperation and patience during this process.

It is important to stay home if you are sick to prevent spreading the virus. Please help us protect our vulnerable population by answering these questions before coming in for your appointment:

Do you have any symptoms?

Have you had potential exposure?

If yes, where? Have you traveled to/from or through: China, South Korea, Japan, Italy, or Iran?

If you answer YES to any of the above questions, please call the Center so we can assess risk and make appropriate referrals. If our staff assesses you to be at risk, you will be asked to schedule your appointment to a future date for the safety of our staff and patients.